82 Discovery Crescent
Port Kennedy WA 6172
Phone: 9524 6333
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
6:00am – 6:00pm
Why Choose Us
Family Involvement
We consider Educators to be a part of a child’s extended family, upholding the child’s rights by promoting and believing that all children are our future, each special and unique.
Food and Nutrition
We employ a Food Co-Ordinator, whose duties include providing nutritious and well balanced meals, and who will cater for individual needs of the children
Learning Programs
The programs are based on the Centre philosophy, goals and aims as well as the individual child’s development, their interest and overall needs of the group of children.
Encouraging Children to see themselves as valued and constructive contributors to the community which ultimately promotes confidence, self-worth and positive self-image.

Our centre is a place where children have freedom to choose their activities and make their own decisions. We believe in creating a stimulating learning environment through play, as this supports children to explore experiment, enjoy and discover their physical, social, emotional and intellectual world around them
Our emergent curriculum is child-initiated, collaborative and responsive to the children’s needs.We base our programming on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and National Quality Framework (NQF). The program is done and reflected daily in each room and is designed to be fun, engaging, stimulating and educational.
Our Team
Our staff have had all COVID Vaccinations, and are First Aid, Anaphylaxis & emergency Asthma trained, with WWC Clearance.
We have had many years experience, extensive training. Our Educators practise high levels of health and safety to protect your child, including hygiene and supervision. The centre employs best practices as required by the Department of community Services.
About Us and Our Aims
Dedicated to the children in our care, helping them to grow, learn & play in a warm, safe environment.
To develop each child to his/her full potential through a positive environment and appropriate activities in all areas of development (social, emotional, physical and intellectual).
To develop a positive self-concept in each child.
To provide each child with the same educational opportunities regardless of sex, religion or multicultural back ground.
To cater for each child’s individual needs.
Our Vision
At Creative Learning and Play we ensure that our children are not only learning and cared for but are also safe and respected during every moment of their time with us. Our educators create learning environments where our children can develop socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. We are a Reggio-Emilia inspired center where we believe the environment is the third teacher and children have the freedom to choose their own experiences and make decisions for themselves. We encourage positive relationships between educators, children, and families so that our children feel valued and unique and learn the basic skills of life through purposeful learning experiences and discussions. Our program is child-initiated and designed to cater the needs and interests of our children and their varying levels of development, whilst having the flexibility to be spontaneous!
Come Visit Us
Reconciliation to us, means becoming a family. Reconciliation is not something we can do alone; we need to tell the truth about ourselves and our history to help bring people together. We are committing to a better future by providing equality for our children. We aim to teach our children about national days of significance so we can work together towards integrating reconciliation into our daily curriculum, supporting our children’s sense of identity and wellbeing
Acknowledgement of Country
Creative Learning and Play respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional owners of this land on which the service is built. We also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to the education of all children and people in this country we live in and share together.
We share this acknowledgement of country each morning with the children in the service- “Here is the land, here is the sky. Here are my friends and here am I. We thank the Noongar people for the land on which we learn and play. Hands up, hands down. We are on Wadjuk ground”.

What Our Families are Saying
What Our Families are Saying
82 Discovery Crescent
Port Kennedy WA 6172
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
6:00am – 6:00pm